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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Indulgence for Sharing the Catholic Doctrine

Many thanks to you Carlos!

Wow groupmates, it is a very encouraging to hear the heavenly rewards that we get in sharing God's word with our brothers and sisters.

In our group's case. In some way, I think, that mere participation in the discussion group, the simple emailing to impart a message of encouragement, and the thoughtful forwarding of emails(including facebook, myspace and friendster invitations :p) spiritually benefits us. I believe that every catholic egroup message sent comes with doctrinal elements that will meet work the indulgence is calling for. I am just happy that we as a group was able to take advantage of technologies in living the Word of God.
I just hope for a more active participation of our members who have convenient internet access to share the life-transforming gospel to others.
We must let them know that everything we have has to be used for the greater glory of God, whether it be in facebook, multiply,myspace, friendster, youtube, talkshoe, twitter, picasa.

May we benefit and be reinforced with God's mercy.

Your groupmate,

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