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Friday, February 19, 2010

Byzantine Lenten Prayer: February 19

Friday, February 19, 2010
St. Basil Church, Los Gatos, CA
Today’s Saint/s:
Holy Apostle Archippus
Today’s Readings:
l Holy Scriptures:
6th Hour:       Beginning of the reading of the Prophecy of Isaiah
                                Isaiah 3:1-14            Prophecy of Isaiah
        Vespers:        Beginning of the Reading of the Book of Genesis
Genesis 2:20 to 3:20    Book of Genesis
                        Beginning of the Reading of the Proverbs of Solomon
                                Proverbs 3:19-35         Book of Proverbs
l “Ascending the Heights”:      Pages 31-34   Step 5           
        (Based on “The Ladder of Divine Ascent” by St. John Climacus)
Today’s Holy Services:  (At St. Basil Church , Los Gatos)
Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified (Vespers w/Holy Communion): 7:00pm       
This Sunday: Sunday is the Sunday of Orthodoxy: Procession after Liturgy
– Bring an icon from home for the procession.  
– Let us celebrate the beginning of the Fast with compunction in our hearts, * and let us cry out to the Lord: * ‘Accept our prayer as incense; * deliver us from all corruption and from the terrible punishment, * for You alone are able to have mercy on us.’
Glory +  be . . . Now and ever…
O Mother of God, fount of mercy, * deem us worthy of compassion. * Look upon a sinful people; * as always show your power. * For, placing our trust in you, we cry out to you: ‘Hail!’ * as once did Gabriel, the prince of angels.
My soul is wounded, my body is sickly, and my spirit is weak; * my thought have no strength; * the end is near and my life fades away; * what shall you do, O my poor soul, * when the Judge shall come to reveal your secret deeds?
Refrain: Have mercy + on me, O God, have mercy on me!
I have place before you, O my soul, * the writings of Moses concerning the beginning of the world, * along with his exhortations, * and the story of the just and the wicked; * you have imitated these latter and not the former; * for you have sinned unceasingly before God, O my soul.
Refrain: Have mercy + on me, O God, have mercy on me!
I offer you the examples of the New Testament, * calling you to compunction, O my soul. * Be inspired by the just ones, * turn away from sinners * and sir up the grace of Christ, * by fasting and prayer and the purity of your life.
Refrain: Have mercy + on me, O God, have mercy on me!
Having fasted forty days in the desert, * the Lord showed His humanity by being hungry; * therefore, do not be discouraged, O my soul, * by the assaults of the Enemy; * you shall trample them underfoot through fasting and prayer.
Refrain: Have mercy + on me, O God, have mercy on me!
Christ made the paralyzed man walk straight again, * and he carried his mat; * He raised the dead, the son of the widow of Naim, and the servant of the centurion; * then He revealed Himself to the Samaritan woman, * and through her, O my soul, * He taught you to worship in spirit.
Refrain: Have mercy + on me, O God, have mercy on me!
With the hem of His garment, * Christ healed the woman with the flow of blood; * He cleansed those with leprosy; * he gave light to those who were blind and strength to those who were deaf and mute, along with the woman who was bent over.
Refrain: Have mercy + on me, O God, have mercy on me!
Those who are sick are now healed, * and the Gospel is preached to those who are poor, * by Christ, the Word of God, * who heals all infirmities. * He eats at the table of the publicans and mingles with sinners; * and taking the daughter of Jairus by the hand; * He calls back the breath of life into her body.
Refrain: Have mercy + on me, O God, have mercy on me!
Zacchaeus was a publican, but sill gained salvation; * Simon the Pharisee grumbled at his disappointment, * when the sinful woman received deliverance and forgiveness * from the One who has the power to forgive sins. * O my soul, hasten to also receive your forgiveness.
Refrain: Have mercy + on me, O God, have mercy on me!
You have not imitated, O my soul, * the repentance of the sinful woman; * taking the vase of perfume and mixing it with her tears, * she poured it over the feet of the Lrod, * and with her hair, * she wiped away the record of her sins.
Refrain: Have mercy + on me, O God, have mercy on me!
One thief reviled You upon the Cross, * the other confessed Your divinity; * for both were sharing the same suffering, * O Lord of all goodness, * open  for me the door of Your glorious Kingdom, * as You did for the Good Thief who recognized You as God.
Refrain: Have mercy + on me, O God, have mercy on me!
Seeing You upon the Cross, O Lord, * creation was seized with fear; * mountains and rocks were split in terror; * the earth trembled and Hades gave up its plunder; * the light of day was changed into darkness, * when it saw You crucified, O my Savior.
Refrain: Have mercy + on me, O God, have mercy on me!
O my Judge, You probe me and You know me; * when You shall come again with the holy Angels * to judge the whole world, * look upon me with kindness and save me; * spare me, O Jesus, even though I am filled with sin.
Holy Mother Mary, pray to God for us!
Touch the heart of the Creator * in behalf of those who praise your name, O holy Mary, * that, delivered from the sufferings and dangers that surround us, * and freed from temptations, * we may always extol the Lord who glorifies you.
Holy Father Andrew, pray to God for us!
O holy Andrew, Shepherd of Crete, * O thrice-blessed father, * always intercede for those who praise your name; * may those who unceasingly honor your memory * be delivered from every evil thought, * from affliction and from sin.
Glory + to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
O consubstantial Trinity, * we praise the unity of Your Persons, * glorifying the Father, * extolling the Son, * and bowing before the Spirit, * truly one God, * one triple life, and eternal kingdom.
Now and ever, and forever. Amen.
O most holy Mother of God, * keep under your protection the Christian people * who share your royal power, * and through you, make them triumphant over the assaults of the Enemy * and over all temptation.

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