February 17, 2010
St. Basil Church, Los Gatos, CA
Today's Saint/s: Great Martyr Theodore the Recruit
Before his death the judge asked Theodore: "What dost thou desire, to be with us or with thy Christ?" With great joy the holy martyr answered him: "With my Christ I have been, and am, and will be." St Theodore, pray for us!
Today's Readings:
Holy Scriptures:
6th Hour: Beginning of the reading of the Prophecy of Isaiah
Isaiah 2:3-11 Prophecy of Isaiah
Vespers: Beginning of the Reading of the Book of Genesis
Genesis 1:24-2:3 Book of Genesis
Beginning of the Reading of the Proverbs of Solomon
Proverbs 2:1-22 Book of Proverbs
"Ascending the Heights": Pages 21 - 24 Step 3
(Based on "The Ladder of Divine Ascent" by St. John Climacus)
Today's Holy Services: (At St. Basil Church , Los Gatos)
Office of Divine Praise: Sixth Hour, 11:30am
Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified, 12 Noon
– Let us celebrate the beginning of the Fast with compunction in our hearts, * and let us cry out to the Lord: * 'Accept our prayer as incense; * deliver us from all corruption and from the terrible punishment, * for You alone are able to have mercy on us.'
Glory + be . . . Now and ever.
O Mother of God, fount of mercy, * deem us worthy of compassion. * Look upon a sinful people; * as always show your power. * For, placing our trust in you, we cry out to you: 'Hail!' * as once did Gabriel, the prince of angels.
Ode 5
The just Joseph * was sold by his own brothers, * and the gentle young man was brought down to slavery, * as a figure of the Lord; * and you, O my soul, have sold yourself into sin.
Refrain: + Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me!
When Joseph was thrown into the pit, O Sovereign Master, * it was a foreshadowing of Your burial and Your holy Resurrection.
Refrain: + Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me!
Picture for yourself, O my soul, * the staff of Moses striking the sea * and holding back the wall of water; * it is the image of the holy Cross, * by which you also shall work wonders.
Refrain: Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me!
My heart is hardened like that of Pharaoh; * I have become like Jannes and Jambres * in my soul and body, * in the heaviness of my spirit; * O Lord, come to my assistance.
Refrain: + Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me!
You covered Your divinity with the robe of my humanity to save me; * You worked wonders by healing the lepers, * raising up paralyzed people, * and stopping the flow of blood by the hem of your garment.
Refrain: + Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me!
Follow the example of the woman with the flow of blood, O my soul; * draw near and touch the garment of Christ * who will deliver you and say to you: * Take courage! Your faith has saved you.
Refrain: + Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me!
Imitating the woman who was stooped over, O my soul, * draw near and bow before the feet of Jesus, * that He may raise you up * and that you may walk uprightly in the way of the Lord.
Refrain: + Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me!
The well is deep, O Lord, * but You draw from Your bosom the living water, * which I drink as did the Samaritan woman; * thus, I will no longer thirst, * for You refresh me with the waters of Your life.
Refrain: + Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me!
May my tears become another pool of Siloam for me, O Lord God, * that I may wash the eyes of my heart there * and contemplate Your eternal brightness.
Holy Mother Mary (of Egypt), pray to God for us.
Impelled by an unparalleled love, * you wished to prostrate yourself before the Tree of Life, * and your desire was granted; * now make me worthy of the glory from on high.
Holy Father Andrew (of Crete), pray to God for us.
I call upon you with all my heart, O holy Andrew, * wise pastor and chosen man of God, * and in fear I beseech you: * through your intercession, * may I obtain salvation and eternal life.
Glory + be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit!
We glorify You as one God, * O thrice-holy Trinity, * Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, * consubstantial divinity, * and we unceasingly adore You.
Now and ever, and forever. Amen.
From you, O most pure Virgin and holy Mother of God, * the divine Creator of the ages becomes flesh, * to unite Himself intimately to our mortal nature.
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